MOTHERHOOD: Eight Months with August / by Vivian Chen

Eight months have flown by! And as it is with motherhood, balancing life and work isn’t always easy, hence the lack of updates. So let’s catch up!



Dear Gusters, I can’t believe it’s been half a year already! You turned six months old on Saturday, the same day as our six year wedding anniversary. To celebrate, we took our first family vacation together and you did great.


You’re more and more rambunctious everyday, babbling and shrieking because that’s the new sound you like practicing (especially when you’re jumping). But without fail, the moment we take you outside, you quiet down so you can take in the world. Your curiosity is so pure and sweet. And your laughter is so infectious especially the silly excited noises you make when you watch light bulbs turn on and off. Mommy and daddy can’t stop marveling at what a good boy you are and how much we love you. Even when you’re being mischievous like getting distracted while drinking your milk or deciding to blow bubbles when you have a mouthful of sweet potato puree. Gus, you’re the best! ♥️


(PS Thank you to “the other Vivian Chen” for his super cute hat featuring a culinary representation of his genetic make up. The cutest!)


Dear Gusters, Happy seven months! This was your first Thanksgiving and while you didn’t go out trick or treating, we did dress you up! You really pulled off the aviator and mustache look really well.
PS. You got your first two teeth this month!



Dear Gusters, Eight months have flown by and it feels like your first birthday is just around the corner. You’re changing so fast! Everyday you look more and more like a little boy and less like a baby. Your silly personality makes us laugh every day. You’re getting pretty good at eating and like a true hipster, love avocados. You also love jumping and screaming at the cats. You’re super talkative and always need to chime into the conversation. I love watching you learn new skills and explore your world. And that smile of yours never fails to brighten my day. My sweet boy, I’m so grateful to be your mom.
