THANK YOU » Yosemite High Sierra Camps / by Vivian Chen

Thank you for fresh mountain air, pristine green meadows, majestic craggy peaks, crystal clear lakes and timeless glowing sunrises. Thank you for humbling challenges paired with many more awe inspiring moments. Thank you for cold rushing creeks to soak my tired sore feet. Thank you for the kindred spirits, camp camaraderie, and sunset dinner conversations. Thank you for Ranger Adam and his earnest passion for the natural world. Thank you Len for sharing this lifelong dream, always keeping the tent cozy and encouraging me every dusty trail step of the way. And most of all, thank you Yosemite National Park and the National Park Service for allowing Yosemite's High Sierra Camps to be accessible to all who seek its wildness and adventure. Six days in the mountains have left an indelible mark on my heart. I am forever changed and forever grateful.

A time lapse video taken on August 19, 2016 from 4:15-4:40pm at Townsley Lake, Vogelsang High Sierra Camp (10,353 ft elevation) in Yosemite National Park.